Friday, November 20, 2009

Response to "Alien Health care"

The article entitled “Alien Healthcare” posted to the blog “The Blog Has Landed” points out illegal immigrant healthcare issues. I feel that a lot of things could be done different about illegal immigrants trying to get the new healthcare. It’s hard to take one side and not the other. It’s almost like the saying, “There are two sides to every story.” Half of the illegal immigrants are trying their hardest to become United States citizens and the other are doing the exact opposite. By allowing illegal immigrants to obtain the healthcare, does that make it cost less for American citizens? Or do we raise taxes and get everyone pissed off at the government for allowing this to even happen. If the illegal immigrants get their papers, I feel they should be allowed to receive the new healthcare that is coming out. Until then they should not be able to obtain the healthcare. Also, why don’t we arrest them as they enter our hospitals? I think the answer to that is MONEY. Just to send the illegal immigrants back costs our country money, something our country does not have at the moment.

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