Friday, September 18, 2009

U.S. Troops

During the past few days we have grieved over yet another day in American history, 9/11/01. This day will be with us forever. The War in Iraq has been going on for over 8 years now. I think this article is worth reading, just so you can understand how many troops are overseas and what the President is going to do about it. This article in Newsweek talks about President Obama shipping more troops over to Afghanistan. An additional 21,000 troops are expected to go over to the sand box by the end of this year, lifting the total to 70,000 troops. The top U.S commander, Stanley McChrystal is preparing to ask President Obama for as many as 40,000 more troops. Right now Pres. Obama has a lot to do with this country. I think we should take one step at a time and deal with the problems in the correct sequence. The War on Terrorism we will be facing for years to come, but we must also look at the war in our own country. Bring our troops home and lets get down to business America.

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