Friday, October 2, 2009

August 31, 2010

There is a dead line that is trying to be met, so out troops can come home. The estimated date is August 31, 2010. This editorial in the New York Times, discussing the controversy over what the United States should do prior to the withdrawal of our troops. The U.S. Military has done a lot already, setting up their government, establishing their military. President Obama recently had talked about sending as many as 70,000 more troops to Afghanistan by the end of this year. Do we really know when the War in Iraq is going to be over? This article primarily talks about what the U.S. should do prior to the American withdrawal. I think you should read this article, to become aware of what President Obama is considering. Here is quote from the article that I thought was intriguing, “The United States cannot fix Iraq. That is up to the Iraqis. But in the time left, this country has a responsibility and a strong strategic interest to do its best to help Iraq emerge from this disaster as a functioning, sovereign and reasonably democratic state.” I agree with this editorial. Yes, we do need to bring our troops home after the completion of 14 months in Iraq. I also think that we are still going to have troops based there for quite some time. With everyone coming home in as little as a year and half might be impossible to do. Meanwhile, we should do what we can to support our troops.

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