Friday, December 4, 2009

Party Crashers

What exactly classifies as a party crasher? Is it Vince Vaughn dancing the night away with several women or is it a young couple that ends up having dinner with the President of the United States of America, which were not invited. I find this couple to be very stupid, showing up to a huge event like this. The couple are Tareq and Michaele Salahi who obviously have some sort of issue with having to be around very high profile people according to I think the couple should have not even shown up to this event, this event was for the President and whom is now questioning his Secret Service agents that let the couple in. The 3 agents are currently under a disciplinary review after they had allegedly let the couple in. According to President Barack Obama, "The system didn't work the way it was supposed to." Of course it didn't, otherwise we would not be here talking about this couple. This makes the Secret Service look bad, our own private security for the President are now letting people get close to him. I feel that the couple should have every prosecutor down on them, not only to show themselves but also to show America that this is not the right way to meet the President. The question we should all ask ourselves is, What if this was a terrorist? We know now that it wasn't, but what if? House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson said, "We're all fortunate that this diplomatic celebration did not become a night or horror." I hope nobody else tries to perform these stunts like the Salahi couple did.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Response to "Alien Health care"

The article entitled “Alien Healthcare” posted to the blog “The Blog Has Landed” points out illegal immigrant healthcare issues. I feel that a lot of things could be done different about illegal immigrants trying to get the new healthcare. It’s hard to take one side and not the other. It’s almost like the saying, “There are two sides to every story.” Half of the illegal immigrants are trying their hardest to become United States citizens and the other are doing the exact opposite. By allowing illegal immigrants to obtain the healthcare, does that make it cost less for American citizens? Or do we raise taxes and get everyone pissed off at the government for allowing this to even happen. If the illegal immigrants get their papers, I feel they should be allowed to receive the new healthcare that is coming out. Until then they should not be able to obtain the healthcare. Also, why don’t we arrest them as they enter our hospitals? I think the answer to that is MONEY. Just to send the illegal immigrants back costs our country money, something our country does not have at the moment.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Housing Market

The housing market is something that we have all feared, whether it is today or further on down the road. With the economy’s recession, this makes house buying a struggle for most families. Recently Congress had passed a bill that allowed a credit of $8,000 for first-time home buyers who earn up to $75,000 individually or $150,000 filing jointly. There have been several situations where people have either found ways to receive the credit even if they didn’t need it. This puts the housing market tax credit to be a wasteful idea if the people who don’t need it are using it. I think they should have looked at this bill a little bit closer before they had passed it. Either they should have worded it different or maybe not even passed the bill at all. I know that everyone sees dollar signs when they say stimulus but it is a lot of hassle to deal with in-order to get that tax-credit. About 80% to 90% didn’t even use the tax credit when buying a home. The way I see it is, we all need a roof over our heads and we will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Does a single tax credit bill stop us from buying homes? The answer is no. We will continue buying homes even without the bill. I think the reason the housing market is where it is now is that everyone is scared to jump into a home not knowing if they are going to get laid off. I feel that the government should focus on spending money for stimulating jobs rather than the housing market. If they focus on jobs first the housing market will turn around, less and less foreclosed houses will be out there.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Shoud we Stop Counting?

The War in Iraq is still at hand and will be for quite some time. Several officials have been talking whether or not we should leave it up to Iraq to decide which political aspects should be intervened throughout their country. Should we just give up and send our troops home or should we stay and implement a government for Iraq? This has been an ongoing issue throughout the United States. In the New York Times, “Mr. Hill said he wants to give the Iraqis more of a chance to find their own way. General Odierno — with his eye on the troop drawdown clock — has been arguing for a more hands-on approach.” This is the debate that has been an ongoing issue. This debate is amongst all of us with loved ones or even fellow troops abroad. According to the editorial article President Obama was trying to get our troops out by August. Every day that we spend trying to dictate these issues is costing not only the lives of Americans but also putting our country into further debt. Another issue that was addressed is how to set up election laws so that everyone can abide by them and foremost can be part of them. The deadline for the law makings was supposed to be October 15, 2009. With the deadline not being met this could take up to several months to establish the law makings. In February, President Obama talked out the preparation for Americans to leave Iraq, which he stated; “Iraq is at a critical moment. It clearly needs an honest broker — and a good deal more.”
To read further into this editorial, here is the link to the New York Times.

Friday, October 2, 2009

August 31, 2010

There is a dead line that is trying to be met, so out troops can come home. The estimated date is August 31, 2010. This editorial in the New York Times, discussing the controversy over what the United States should do prior to the withdrawal of our troops. The U.S. Military has done a lot already, setting up their government, establishing their military. President Obama recently had talked about sending as many as 70,000 more troops to Afghanistan by the end of this year. Do we really know when the War in Iraq is going to be over? This article primarily talks about what the U.S. should do prior to the American withdrawal. I think you should read this article, to become aware of what President Obama is considering. Here is quote from the article that I thought was intriguing, “The United States cannot fix Iraq. That is up to the Iraqis. But in the time left, this country has a responsibility and a strong strategic interest to do its best to help Iraq emerge from this disaster as a functioning, sovereign and reasonably democratic state.” I agree with this editorial. Yes, we do need to bring our troops home after the completion of 14 months in Iraq. I also think that we are still going to have troops based there for quite some time. With everyone coming home in as little as a year and half might be impossible to do. Meanwhile, we should do what we can to support our troops.

Friday, September 18, 2009

U.S. Troops

During the past few days we have grieved over yet another day in American history, 9/11/01. This day will be with us forever. The War in Iraq has been going on for over 8 years now. I think this article is worth reading, just so you can understand how many troops are overseas and what the President is going to do about it. This article in Newsweek talks about President Obama shipping more troops over to Afghanistan. An additional 21,000 troops are expected to go over to the sand box by the end of this year, lifting the total to 70,000 troops. The top U.S commander, Stanley McChrystal is preparing to ask President Obama for as many as 40,000 more troops. Right now Pres. Obama has a lot to do with this country. I think we should take one step at a time and deal with the problems in the correct sequence. The War on Terrorism we will be facing for years to come, but we must also look at the war in our own country. Bring our troops home and lets get down to business America.